02 / 2023 FORTBILDUNG: THEMENHEFTTEIL KINDERÄRZTE. SCHWEIZ 25 QUELLEN 1. Periphere und zentrale Entwicklung des Sehvermögens, Mark Brotzmann und Peter Weber, Pädiatrie 4/11 2. The Looking Chamber Experiment, Robert Fantz, 1961, Diana Hincapie, B.A., Lisa K. Lashley, Psy.D., Charles J. Golden Ph.D. Nova Southeastern University 3. A qualitative and quantitative analysis of the human fovea during development, C. Yodels, A. Hendrickson, Vision Res. 1986, 26 4. Assessment of near visual acuity in =-13 year olds with normal and low vision: a systematic review, Bianca Huurneman and F. Nienke Boonstra, Huurneman and Boonstra BMC Ophthalmology (2016) 16:215 DOI 10.1186/s12886-016-0386-y 5. Normal and abnormal visual development, Pediatric ophthalmology and Strabismus, Creig S. Hoyt and David Taylor, ISBN 978-07020-4691-9, Elsevier Verlag 6. Assessment of contrast sensitivity in children aged 3 years 9 months – 6 years with normal vision, visual impairment due to ocular disease and strabismic amblyopia, Agent Rydberg and Ring Han, Strabismus 1999, Vol. 7, No.2 7. Development of spatial contrast sensitivity from infancy to adulthood psychophysical data , J. Gwiazda, J. Bauer, F. Thorn, R. Held, Optom Vis Sci. 1997, 74 8. Strabismus, Heimo Steffen und Herbert Kaufmann, 5. Auflage, Thieme Verlag 9. The neurovascular retina in retinopathy of prematurity, A.B. Fulton, R.M. Hansen, A. Moskowitz, J.D. Akula, Prog Retin Eye Res 2009, 28 10. Visual field extend in children 3.5-30 months of age tested with a double-arc LED perimeter, V. Dobson, A.M. Brown, E.M. Harvey, D.B. Narter, Vision Res 1998, 38 11. The development of the temporal and nasal fields during infancy, T.L. Lewis,D. Maurer, Vision Res, 1992